
Feb 22, 2006

Life of Pi, Yann Martel

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Book Life of Pi.

I think I am the last person on earth to read this book, but if you are the last person, then I think you should read it. I had shied away for so long thinking it was going to be really philosophical and over my head - I suppose you could interpret it on that level, but on the surface it is about a kid in India for half the book, and then a kid surviving in a boat with a tiger. It was incredible - very good. I really liked both sections of the book equally - at first when the India section was done I was bummed - but the boat surviving section is great - and I also thought it was going to take me a year and a day to read. It is very thick. But despite its size, its a fairly quick read.


Anonymous said...

Who names her kid pi?

Sara Zoe Patterson said...

it's indian - and its short for something - which i can't remember right now - but the kid himself took pi on as a nickname because his regular name sounded like 'pisser' or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I bet it it...