
Jun 26, 2015

June 29-July3 for Kids at the Library

Welcome to the summer reading program "Every Hero Has a Story!"  :)  Here's what's going on this coming week:

Monday, 12pm: Sandwiches & Stories (all ages, drop in). Bring your picnic lunch to the library!  While you eat, Paula will read stories.  When you're done, she will have an activity/game or a craft for you to do.

Tuesday,3-5pm: Be a Hero--NHSPCA Crafts.  Stop in to make toys and treats for the animals at the NHSPCA.  This is also your first chance to sign up for the NHSPCA Field Trip (details below).

Wednesday, 6pm: SUPER AMAZING SING-ALONG WITH STEVE BLUNT!! You don't want to miss this oh-so-much-fun musician.  Really you don't.

The library is CLOSED on Friday--go watch fireworks :)

The NHSPCA Field trip: I will be leading a caravan to the Stratham SPCA on Tuesday, July 7.  We'll meet at the library at 3pm and roll out ASAP.  I am not allowed to take anyone in my car--library policy--but I am really hoping that some of you will have an extra seat or two to share.  If you do, please let me know and I will keep a list--I will only give your information to a person who asks for a ride and needs the number of seats you have available.  SIGN-UPS for the field trip will not begin until June 30.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jun 22, 2015

Unmask Summer Reading Program
Grades 5 and up
No sign-up required
All activities are drop-in between
1:00 and 4:00pm Monday through Friday

Jun 15, 2015

"Every Hero Has a Story!" Summer Reading Program

The summer reading program--Every Hero Has a Story!--is about to begin!

The simplest way to explain everything is to say, "Be here on June 25 at 3:30".  That's the Kickoff Party: There will be cake, at least one animal to pet, a story, and your first chance to sign children up for "Every Hero Has a Story".  However, if you can't make it that day, it's ok--you can sign kids up any time after that.  You don't have to do anything before the party: just show up!  Everyone's invited :)

Program basics: You can come to the library whenever you want.  Children can read whatever they want.  I will provide everything you need in order to participate.

I do still need a couple people to help out with the Kickoff Party: I have  people for refreshments, but I'll need two more--one to hand out sign up slips and pencils, one to give out bags for completed slips.  Easy and painless, I promise :)

Questions?  Call 474-2044 and ask for Lisa or email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you and see you soon!