
Feb 27, 2013

Sign Up for Story Times!

Story times start next week:
Tuesdays at 10:30--Babygarten for 0-2 year olds.  We have a new program that we're using now.  It's specifically designed to assist your child's development and make that development fun for you and them!  It involves a lot of rhymes and songs, a story, a project and play time/coffee time.

Wednesdays at 6:00--Bedtime Stories for 3-5 year olds.  Stories, songs, rhymes, flannelboard stories and a craft afterward.  Please dress for a mess :)  Also, while adults MUST remain in the library, they may opt for peace and quiet outside the story time room until their children are done.

Thursdays at 10:30--Story Time for 2s and 3s.  A few stories, lots of songs and rhymes, a flannelboard story and a craft at the end.  Please dress for a mess :)

Please email , call 474-2044 or stop by my desk to let me know if you'll be joining us for one of these story times--I feel quite embarrassed when I come up short of craft or project supplies!

Feb 15, 2013

February Vacation Week for Kids

 Monday, 10am-12pm—Kids Can Stitch.  Find out how to decorate with stitches—you’ll have something to take home at the end.

Ages 8+.  Sign-up required. 


Tuesday, 1-5pm—Game Day.  Board games and Wii games will be out to play.
 Wednesday, 2:00pm—Polar Bear Day.  A polar movie and popcorn!

Thursday, 11am and 4pm—Bingo!  Play for prizes. 

 Friday, 1-5pm—Peanut Lovers’ Day.  Make PB-based bird/animal feeders for your outdoor friends.

Feb 13, 2013

Book Trailer Stars and Lego Builders

 Book Trailer Stars!  There are only two opportunities left this school year to make trailers for your favorite books:  This program and the one in March.

4th, 5th and 6th graders are invited to make trailers for their favorite books.  Camera and snacks are provided--bring your own ideas and actors.

Wednesday, February 20, 6:00pm.

Lego Builders!
We have a lot of Legos for you to play with.  You'll have 50 minutes to build and then 10 minutes to show your creation to everyone else and get your picture taken with it.

Thursday, February 21, 3:30pm

Feb 7, 2013

Valentine Drop In Craft: Love Bugs!

 Make a love bug for someone special!  It's an easy craft and you can drop in any time between 1 and 5pm to do it.  Show some love :)

Wednesday, February 13, 1-5pm in the Craft Room
Seabrook Library