
Feb 5, 2008

Recommended by your librarian: What is the What, Dave Eggers and Valentino Achak Deng

One of the most compelling, beautiful, sad, intense books I've read in a long time. What is the What is the story of Valentino Achak Deng, who was born in Sudan. He fled from his village when it was under attack, joined the lost boys on their horrible survival trek across Sudan to Ethiopia, surviving, barely. From there he lived in one desolate refugee camp, and then another, and finally one in Kenya - the story alternates between his current life of living in Atlanta, and the struggles of being a refugee and trying to make a life in the US (for example, he and his Sudanese roommate don't know what to do with the food from the grocery store, so they put it all in the freezer for fear that some might spoil, leading to frozen milk and peanut butter). A very very well written book. Comparable to The Kite Runner, although this book is very closely based on the true story of this very real individual.

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